This model is used to help interpret signals underlying GCaMP6f fluorescence. input parameters are contained in a json file (inputs.json). information and units are provided in a inputs_units.txt to run on a local machine, use to specify which simulation, turn on the appropriate toggle within the inputs file (e.g. "silentdend = 1") to run on a remote machine, set up the simulations in In this file, the specified job array corresponds to the simulations run in these are the same as, but the task id number turns on the appropriate simulation toggle (e.g. pindex = 10 turns on "silentdend"). within these driver files: depending on the simulation, several parameters are updated before the model is setup (e.g. nablock ~= 0 for invitro) these parameters also include stimulation parameters such as number of stimulations, time between stimulations, etc, to be executed within Then is executed. Within this file: -certain parameters are adjusted from standard units (e.g. KD in nM) to neuron's default units (mM) -the morphology is read in -dendritic membrane conductances updated to reflect diameter fraction -spines are created and added to morphology -dendrites are made homogeneous (this toggle is on by default) -all mechanisms are added to sections via -somatic membrane conductances updated to reflect diameter fraction -rxd species created, rxd reactions set up via -ampa and nmda channels added to spines via insert_syns model_setup is identical for all simulations. Next, is executed. "sim" parameter (a boolean) determines what is executed (what protocol/stimulation to run) for each simulation. In, is executed. in, this toggle is turned off. This allows one to view the simulation as it happens. Lastly, the simulation is started via This is also where output is set up via Output is a dictionary, which can be used directly on a local machine, or is saved as a pickle file by default on a remote machine, using the job array number and simulation name. Also saved are the maximum df/f and maximum voltage values in every section, again identified by job and simulation name. ________________ Post-processing: - using job number and sim name, and same inputs as simulation, this file plots the maximum voltage and df/f that every section reached during that given simulation. - it also plots the maximum df/f for every basal branch against distance from soma - can also turn toggles on to save specific outputs to pickle, then plot this pickle file in - reads in output dictionary using job id and simulation name - runs to read in components of output dictionary into plottable form - can run multiple plotting files from there: - = general summary information - = detailed look at currents in soma and dendrite of interest (basal[19]) ________________ mod files: - gmax.mod, gmax_plot.mod, camax.mod and vmax.mod are for keeping track of maximum values, used in the neuron gui and for plotting purposes only. - the rest are ion channels, inserted within - gmax.mod allows for plotting of df/f