
Si-based Porous Ceramics via Freeze Casting of Preceramic Polymers

Public Deposited

Freeze casting is a technique for processing porous materials that has drawn significant attention for its effectiveness in producing a variety of tailorable pore structures for ceramics, metals, and polymers. With freeze casting, pores are generated based on a solidification process where ice crystals act as a sacrificial template which can eventually be sublimated to create pores. While the majority of freeze-casting studies have been performed using conventional ceramic suspensions, this work explores an alternative processing route by freeze casting with preceramic polymer solutions. Significant differences exist between freeze casting of a particulate suspension and a polymeric solution. These changes affect the processing method, solidification behavior, and pore structure, thereby introducing new challenges and possibilities for the freeze-casting technique. The first part of this study explored the processing requirements involved with freeze casting of preceramic polymers, along with methods to control the resulting pore structure. Solvent choice, freezing front velocity, and polymer concentration were used as processing variables to manipulate the pore structures. A total of seven organic solvents were freeze cast with a polymethylsiloxane preceramic polymer to produce ceramics with isotropic, dendritic, prismatic, and lamellar pore morphologies. Changes in freezing front velocity and polymer concentration were shown to influence pore size, shape, and connectivity Differences between suspension- and solution-based samples freeze cast under equivalent conditions were also investigated. Certain solidification microstructures were strongly affected by the presence of suspended particles, creating differences between pore structures generated from the same solvents. Additionally, processing of solution-based samples were found to be the more facile technique. Compressive strength and water permeability of dendritic and lamellar structures were analyzed to determine functional differences between the pore structures. Results show that dendritic structures were up to 30 times stronger, while lamellar structures provided higher permeability constants. A change in freezing front velocity was shown to significantly affect permeability but not compressive strength. Finally, improved pore alignment along the freezing direction was achieved by controlling the nucleation and growth of solvent crystals through the use of a grain-selection template. Dendritic samples freeze cast with a template showed substantial increase in pore alignment, as determined by image analysis and permeability tests, with the permeability constant increasing by up to 6-fold when compared to a control sample.

Last modified
  • 03/27/2018
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