
The role of linguistic experience in the production and perception of probabilistic reduction

Public Deposited

In this dissertation, we present three empirical studies investigating the role of linguistic experience in the processing of probabilistic information during speech production, speech perception, and across modalities. In all studies, we focus on a particular type of probabilistic information related to the probability of a word in a discourse (i.e., whether a word is discourse-given with high probability or discourse-new with low-probability). Study 1 examines how variation in discourse-dependent probability shapes the phonetic properties of content and function words during production. We test both first language (L1) and second language (L2) speakers in order to better understand how linguistic experience impacts the processing of probabilistic information. Differences between these groups in the production of content vs. function words provide insights into the mechanism underlying the influence of probabilistic information on production processing. In Study 2, we ask whether linguistic experience impacts listeners’ ability to use probabilistic information (i.e., the reduction associated with high vs. low discourse-dependent probability) as a predictive cue during speech perception. Prediction can pose a challenge for L2 listeners, who may lack sufficient experience with the structures necessary to engage predictive processing. Differences between groups raise questions about the mechanisms underlying prediction during speech perception. Finally, Study 3 investigates the coupling of production and perception in terms of how probabilistic information influences processing. Relations among individual differences between L2 participants in the first two studies shed light on similarities across modalities in how probabilistic information influences production and perception processing. Together, the results of these three studies provide a sketch of how probabilistic information influences speech behavior across individuals with varying levels of linguistic experience.

Last modified
  • 02/19/2018
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