
Follow the Money: Transparency, Risk and Financial Regulation in the Age of Terror

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After 9/11 there was a shift in the rhetoric surrounding counter-terrorism. Suddenly, the language of risk, security and prevention was being utilized to justify a new set of global financial regulations headed up by international organizations such as the United Nations, The Financial Action Task Force, and the IMF/World Bank. This project sits at the nexus of finance and security, and argues that the fight against terrorism financing has important implications not just within the security realm, but for everyday financial practices and the ways in which global financial flows are understood and governed. In other words, how do regulators and financial actors govern, monitor, and hopefully prevent the financing of terrorism, without hindering the facilitation of global financial flows? This dissertation adopts the governmentality (Foucault 2007) approach in order to analyze how terrorism financing is governed and prevented, and what are the unintended consequences of such a system that ultimately comes to view everyone as suspicious?

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  • 01/28/2019
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