
Investigation of diffusion of innovations among homogeneous professional groups


Innovations are adopted by individuals and spread to other individuals. They are adopted at different rates, some are never adopted at all, some are abandoned, and some become the new norms. A very extensive evidence-based research and practice paradigm that studies how innovations spread is called diffusion of innovations. This scope of research is applicable to complex contexts of networks. During the past decades, there has been an enormous improvement in the eld with the advance of computational technology and understanding of social networks. Recently, researchers have brought their attention to more complex structures of networks such as multi-layered networks and temporal networks. However, it is still unclear about how innovation spreads in particular complex networks called multipartite networks. A multipartite network is a network whose nodes are partitioned into k different independent sets. The nodes in each set have edges that are only connected to the other k -1 sets. In this dissertation, I use a rigorous mathematical approach validated with different datasets to study how innovations are adopted in different communities that form multipartite networks.

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