
Developing Leadership Capacity in Multiteam Systems


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Multiteam systems (MTSs), or teams of teams, have recently become a standard for collaboration—ranging from traditional office teams to those setting a course for Mars. Although leadership is often identified as a critical lever for effective MTS functioning and success, there is little research to inform the question of how to develop these leadership skills. Furthermore, despite multiteam systems being an applied phenomenon, a richer qualitative understanding of the MTS experience is noticeably absent from the literature. In an effort to bridge these gaps, this dissertation takes a practical view of multiteam systems to uncover the barriers to promoting effective leadership relationships. I studied multiteam system leadership in the context of space exploration due to the inherently interdisciplinary and multiteam nature of this work. Here, I present three studies: Study 1 is a quantitative analysis of social forces discovering foundational processes shaping the formation of leadership relationships in multiteam systems; Study 2 is a mixed quantitative-qualitative study developing and evaluating a training intervention targeted at enhancing the necessary skills to promote leadership relationships in multiteam systems; and finally, Study 3 is a qualitative analysis using interviews to understand how participants experience working in, and leading, multiteam systems.

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