
A Computational Model of GCaMP6f in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons


We present a biophysical model of GCaMP6f calcium fluorescence in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites based upon results from imaging and electrophysiology experiments. This work was completed using experimental results from the laboratory of Professor Daniel Dombeck, Department of Neurobiology. Constraining the model to reproduce different objectives --- from in-vitro and in-vivo somatic, dendritic, and spine behaviors --- helps uncover potential mechanisms responsible for the observed calcium signals. We present findings from the model regarding probable mechanisms, as well as model predictions: for example, we explore the factors responsible for the variability of local dendritic transients seen during in-vivo experiments and, in particular, discuss the case of "silent dendrites", where somatic firing is observed but dendrites appear to be quiet. In these and other scenarios we use the model to explore possibilities regarding the likeliest types of activity associated with observed calcium signals. We present this model as an analysis tool that can both aid the interpretation of GCaMP6f calcium fluorescence measurements and be used to help design new experiments.

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